IMPRS-QST Summer School & Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2024

IMPRS-QST Summer School & Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2024

Allgäu Stern Hotel, Sonthofen, Germany
May 13-17, 2024

The IMPRS-QST Summer School takes place as a double event together with the Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2024.

This gathering serves as a platform for all IMPRS-QST students to engage in idea exchange, gain fresh perspectives from Alumni, draw inspiration from industry career talks, and gain insights into the latest research from esteemed experts in specialized lectures. Furthermore, the Summer School features four workshops aimed at enhancing the students' soft skills.

Summer School Lectures 2024

  • Tutorial Talk on Quantum Materials
    Ataç Imamoglu, ETH Zürich
  • Tutorial Talk on Quantum Information
    Mikhail Lukin, Harvard University

Alumni Talks 2024

  • How to PhD - or not?
    Patrick Emonts, Leiden University
  • From Science to Consulting
    Stefan Langenfeld, Basycon
  • Working at IQM: solving optimization problems with quantum algorithms
    Elisabeth Wybo, IQM

Soft Skills Courses 2024

  • Career Development
    Lisa Steinhauser, Natural Science Careers
  • Explaining Science with Images – Theory and application of visual science communication
    Johannes Richers, Natural Science Careers
  • Plan and Follow Through: Goal Setting, Time Tracking and Project Management for PhDs
    Emma Geoffray, Grow into your PhD
  • 3D Computer Generated Images
    Christoph Hohmann, MCQST

MCQST 2024

The Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2024 (MCQST 2024) brings together the Munich quantum community with international invited guests in academia and industry for three days of talks and poster sessions. Join hundreds of guests from around the world in the beautiful Bavarian Alps on 14-17 May 2024 to exchange ideas, learn about innovative research, and discuss the latest advancements in all fields of quantum science and technology.

For all details, visit the conference website.

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