Membership and Funding

Membership and Funding

IMPRS-QST students can either get directly admitted to the program through our yearly application process or join as members after starting their PhD at one of our associated research groups

Apart from the source of funding, which might imply slightly different conditions, there is no distinction between the IMPRS-QST members. The guidelines and curriculum requirements apply for all students and they all have equal access to the program's benefits and offers.

Employment contract or IMPRS support contract

Our associated doctoral students are typically funded through an employment contract provided by their supervisors, which includes health insurance and full social security coverage. The exact working hours, salary and further requirements such as teaching obligations depend on the group and the institution.

Students directly funded through the IMPRS-QST have a working contract at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, which also includes complete coverage by the social security system and a health insurance.

The agreed working hours are currently 39 hours per week and payment is based on the German TVöD, "Collective Wage Agreement for the Civil Service". Doctoral students with IMPRS funding receive compensation corresponding to 75% percent of Pay Group 13 of TVöD (maximum level 2); this is currently around 3,200 euros before taxes.

Funding through IMPRS-QST is awarded for three years. Necessary extensions must be provided by the supervisor.

Upgrades to the contract are also possible through teaching and other activities and may vary depending on the research group. Besides, IMPRS funded students have a personal annual travel allowance for research stays abroad as well as other activities.

The number of PhD positions with IMPRS-QST funding is not fixed and they are awarded on a competitive basis in the context of the yearly application process.


Tuition fees

There are no tuition fees for enrollment or participation in the program of the IMPRS-QST. However, you must pay a semester fee for enrolment at TUM or LMU.

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