Tutoring and Supervision
IMPRS-QST students receive an exceptional tutoring on many levels. Through contact with many different PIs from early on, our PhD students have experts who can assist and support them in their research and education.
All students join the school through one particular IMPRS-QST research group and one of our principal investigators assigned as supervisor. The supervisor provides the ongoing and direct tutoring needed to carry out the PhD project.
In addition, the student's Thesis Advisory Board includes at least one further IMPRS faculty member that matches the research profile of the student: The co-supervisor, a PI independent from the supervisor but still scientifically related, gives the student external feedback on a regular basis and direct support when necessary. Regular meetings with both supervisor and co-supervisor are a mandatory part of the IMPRS training program.
Yearly progress report
Each student must deliver a yearly progress report at the beginning of the winter term, describing the scientific work carried out during the last year.
This progress report is read and evaluated by the corresponding TAB, whose members then give feedback to the student and the IMPRS-QST Steering Committee regarding the student’s performance.